Boris & Natasha's Fund
What is Boris & Natasha's Fund?
Boris & Natasha's Fund supplements the cost of life-sustaining veterinary care for homeless dogs and cats, and for pets in families with limited finanical resources.
Homeless dogs and cats come to The Crossings Animal Society after they have been abandoned, surrendered, or removed from their owners due to mistreatment. Boris & Natasha's Fund pays the entire bill for their veterinary care, then finds a temporary safe & comfortable placement for them until they are adopted into a loving, forever home. The fund can also be used for homeless pets in local rescue organizations.
Boris & Natasha's Fund also supplements the cost of non-routine veterinary care for dogs and cas living in families that take good care of them, but who cannot afford the entire cost of treatment. The family pays a portion of the veterinary costs, and Boris & Natasha's Fund pays the balance.
Why is the fund needed, and how does it work?
No dog or cat should lose their life when veterinary care, that wil restore the pet to heatlh or make them eligble for adoption, is available. Boris & Natasha's Fund is there to help when caring, responsible pet families cannot afford the full cost of treatment, or when funds are needed to treat homeless pets and pave the way for their adoption.
Referrals for use of Boris & Natasha's come from our local veterinary partners, families in need, good samaritans that find stray pets, local rescues, and families who surrender their dog or cat. Once a pet is eligible for the fund, an agreement is signed and arrangments for treatment are made.

Boris & Natasha's Fund is funded soley by your donations. Thank you for generous support to help save the lives of our homeless & rescued dogs & cats